Somat Machine Cleaner
Unconventional promotion for Somat new products

Promotion with the test / bloggers / partners of the project


Create an unconventional emotional communication to talk about the release of a new Somat dishwasher product — Somat Machine Cleaner. Emphasize on the necessity of using a cleaner.


We developed a website where users could find out what their dishwasher had to say to them; made video posts with well-known bloggers and collaborated with relevant partners.

  • Website
Including a test and prizes. Users answer questions about their washing machine, while it was answering them, using emoji. After the test users shared the results in social media and won the new Somat product.

  • Bloggers & Celebrities
Bloggers created videos with the product for their personal Instagram accounts. Most of the participants came up with their own video ideas (without our script).

Natali Yashchuk – 2 000 000+ views:

Anna Sedokova – 1 000 000+ views:

And other videos.

  • Partners
Bratia Chistovy — cleaning service.
Partiya Edi — subscription food service.

Company workers left their clients gift packages of Somat cleaners. The partners also talked about the product and the contest in their social media and email newsletters.

In response to receiving the gifts, users wrote pleasant feedback to our partners.

  • Media content
Creative and banner design.


62 700 visitors of the project website.
9 297 users passed the test.
3 670 participants shared their test results.
6 000 Somat packages were handed out through the partners.

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